What Future for the Kurds?
By Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis May 11, 2007 (http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=26767) An earlier article in which we dismissed the reasons invoked by the hypocritical supporters of a ‘free and united’ Kurdistan created varied reactions; many readers wrote to testify to their life experience with various Kurds, who do not speak the same language, and cannot understand one another. On the other hand, strong supporters of a unified and ‘free’ ‘Kurdistan’ expressed their indignation, offering – without knowing it – the best proof of what I heralded as expected bloodshed in the falsely conceived ‘country named Kurdistan’. Answering my theoretical questions at the end of that article, they revealed their intentions to impose their will and choice on other populations, whom they call ‘Kurds’, only to dictatorially subdue and exploit them, extracting all possible benefits – for just some ‘Kurds’, namely their group. This is unadulterated malignancy. In this article, we intend to come up with some initial suggestions as regards a honorable ‘exit’, taking into consideration the onsite reality and not the vicious colonial targets of the apostate Freemasonic lodge or the hallucinations of their victims, namely a few, unrepresentative indigenous people. Before that, we will reveal further reasons for which a ‘free and united Kurdistan’ is an absolute fallacy. A ‘united Kurdistan’ is a fallacy! This statement underlines the tragic reality the criminal Freemasonic forgers of the Grand Orient de France try to forget and neglect. If there is one Kurdish people, and if independence is shared as an ideal and target among all Kurds, how can one draw borderlines that leave no less than 6 million Kurds outside an independent Kurdistan? The question sounds odd? Probably only to those who ignore – or duplicitously show that they ignore – the fact that the largest Kurdish conglomeration is….Istanbul. Significant Kurdish immigration to Istanbul started already in the 1920s; the various reactions against the secular state established by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk were mainly supported by religious Kurds, who represented the backward elements of Turkey’s minority that was called “Turks of the mountains” (Daglarin Turkleri). As consequence of the oppression exercised by the military, and the poverty that characterized pre-World War II Turkey’s eastern provinces, numerous Kurds religious or not started emigrating to Istanbul mainly, and to lesser extent to Bursa, Izmir, Ankara, and several minor Western cities. The phenomenon intensified in the 50s and the 60s. Today, we can safely claim that out of Istanbul’s 18 million total population, at least 6 million people are non Turkish native speakers; they speak Kurmandja, Zaza, and the various minor dialects that are erroneously regrouped under the name of ‘Kurdish’. If there is a moral dimension in the so-called pro-Kurdish attitude, it must seek for a solution of this problem; how one dares envision, propose, demand, and machinate a drastic measure like secession of Turkey’s eastern provinces’ Kurds in view of the formation of a new state, namely Kurdistan, and at the same time throws away, forgets, disregards and snobs a sizeable population that is located in regions that do not favour the vicious ‘Independent Kurdistan’ plan? If ‘free and united Kurdistan’ is a must, it should be so for Istanbul ‘Kurds’, as well as for sizeable ‘Kurdish’ populations in Turkey’s western cities. Why ‘Kurds’ in Van have rights that are denied to Istanbul ‘Kurds’? This makes clear the reasons behind the paranoid colonial plans for an independent ‘Kurdistan’. What matters for the apostate Freemasons of Grand Orient de France is political conspiracy, and further confusion in the Middle East, not Human Rights, Freedom, Democracy. And quite unfortunately, various victims of Turkish military oppression, instead of finding a plausible solution and formulating pertinent demands for improvement of the social, educational, cultural, economic, and political situation of the various ‘Kurdish’ ethnic groups, they believe French, English and American promises of them becoming rulers of an independent ‘Kurdistan’ whereby all the peoples involved will be entangled into a terrible bloodshed (this last detail is not defined to them). The Clash of Civilizations starts in ‘Kurdistan’. Assume for a moment that there are no ‘Kurds’ in Turkey’s West; no 6 million ‘Kurds’ in Istanbul, no 2 million ‘Kurds’ scattered in Bursa, Izmir, Ankara, etc.! Assume that there are no three main ‘Kurdish’ languages – extremely different one from another – and no less than twenty – ‘Kurdish’ dialects – even more diverse in origin, vocabulary, grammar and syntax! Assume that there are no three different writings systems for the pleiad of the collectively called ‘Kurdish’ languages! Assume that there is not any religious multi-division of all these different peoples, who vary from Sunni Islam to Yazidis, Bahais, Ahl-e Haq, and Shia Muslims! Then, if you regroup under one national roof all these – seemingly homogeneous – populations, creating a ‘free and united Kurdistan’, you certainly have completed the preparation of the most explosive amalgamation of elements that will trigger the most dramatic clash of civilization within the borders of the same state. Why? Simply because they have nothing in common, and they disagree in almost everything – culturally. Most of Turkey’s ‘Kurds’ share a purely Western lifestyle involving free premarital sex, alcohol, night life, and prostitution. Influenced by the educational – cultural policies of the Kemalist state, these ‘Kurds’ reject not only Islamic extremism but Islam itself as religious practice and spiritual concern. They would never accept to write ‘Kurdish’ in Arabic characters, they would never bow in front of the traditionalist ‘Kurds’ of Syria and Iraq, and they would immediately clash with the religious feelings of the Iranian ‘Kurds’, whose mysticism inspired many authors and explorers in the past. What would happen then, if all these diametrically opposed elements were – criminally – put together to shamelessly please the monstrous choices of the most perverse Freemasonic laboratories of the West? - Would Saturday and Sunday be the week’s non working days, as it happens now in Turkey, and as Turkey’s widely de-islamized ‘Kurds’ desire? - Or contrarily to the previous wish, Friday and Saturday would be selected as non – working days, to satisfy the preferences of the Syrian and Iraqi ‘Kurds’? - Or perhaps all the aforementioned would be rejected, and to please the Iranian Kurds’ passion for Islam, only one non-working day would be tolerated in the invented ‘Kurdistan’, namely Friday? - Would the Iraqi Kurds accept that their daughter’s marriage does not involve any dowry from the bridegroom’s part anymore, as it occurs in Turkey and in Europe, or they would try to impose their practice on the rest? - Would the Primary and Secondary Education schools in this ‘Kurdistan’ accept girls wearing headscarf as it happens in Iraq and Syria? Or headscarf would be prohibited as it is nowadays in Turkey? Or contrarily to the aforementioned, there would be legislation in this regard that would copy the current Iranian law that forbids women to move out of their homes without wearing the headscarf? - Would discos, cabarets, and casinos be tolerated in this impossible ‘Kurdistan’ as Turkey’s ‘Kurds’ passionately desire? Or would they be effectively prohibited as many religious Kurds from Syria, Iraq, and Iran want to impose? - What would happen to the wonderful Karakhanes, the omnipresent brothels of the Turkish cities and towns that Turkey’s ‘Kurds’ passionately love frequenting? If they are allowed in the monstrously pre-fabricated Kurdistan, they will either exist in both, Bitlis (in today’s Eastern Turkey) and Tekab (in today’s Northwestern Iran), or be prohibited everywhere. In the former case, Bitlis ‘Kurds’ would revolt against the ‘islamo-fascism’ of Kurdistan’s regime. In the latter case, Tekab ‘Kurds’ would denounce the Satanist Kurds of Kurdistan’s official regime, and would be determined to destroy it in the way Ayatullah Khomeini brought an end to the late Shah’s regime. Hundreds of similar questions have to be asked to best enlighten the issue; at the end it becomes clear to anybody: if achieved and materialized, Kurdistan will be the worst possible curse for all these peoples who are collectively called ‘Kurds’, and so it will be for all other peoples who will find themselves as minority within that ominous prefabricated bogus-state, namely the Aramaeans, the Loris, the Azeris, and the Turkmens. Where does a solution lie? Iraq practically speaking ceased to exist. Syria and Iran cannot and must not exist any longer. Turkey and America must set up a plan for the implementation of Human Rights, and the introduction of democratic sociopolitical reforms at the educational, cultural, and regional administrative levels. Turkey will have to implement changes in Turkey first. Progressively, it should be introduced in the area of Iraq where various peoples should be demarcated into different zones, Aramaean, Turkmen, Kurdish. Within the Kurdish zone, great interest should be displayed so that one ethnic / linguistic group does not superimpose its policies over another. Turkey should provide regional leadership, and the model should be exported to Syria and Iran, whereby numerous ethnic, linguistic and religious groups and peoples have been oppressed over many decades and centuries. Ultimately, the forged creation of a bogus-national state should be avoided, as in cases like this one people is prone to supremacy over the rest, creating conditions of totalitarian society. - Why create a Kurdistan only to help eradicate many ‘Kurdish’ languages to the benefit of a major ‘Kurdish’ language that will be tyrannically imposed and dictatorially prevail? - Why should a Zaza ‘Kurd’ of Turkey change his/her bilingualism Zaza / Turkish into a Zaza / Kurmandja bilingualism, whereby Kurmandja, officially imposed, will tend to damage Zaza identity, language and culture more drastically than Turkish did over the past 85 years? Going close to the real needs of the various ‘Kurdish’ peoples, in the next article, we will set realistic, democratic, and unbiased priorities that Turkey has great interest in implementing, as historically evoked Vicar of the various Kurdish constellations. The fate of Kurdistan lies on the correct vision of today’s Turks; if they view all these peoples as equal partner in a Greater Oriental Empire, all evils will be exorcised. Otherwise, all will be punished. |