Who are the Syrian Christians?
Where are they from?
What is their origin?


acube.gif (946 bytes) The Aramean influence in Syria and Palestine acube.gif (946 bytes)The Aramean Biotope acube.gif (946 bytes)The Victories of David acube.gif (946 bytes)Register of the decandants of Shem acube.gif (946 bytes)The Journeys of Abraham

Very important historical overview about the origin of our people

Who are the Syrian Christians?

  • The East- Syriac (Nestorians) Church:
  • ("Chaldeans" since 1551, "Assyrians" since 20th century)

  • The West Syriac Church:
  • *Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants)
  • * Maronites
  • * Melkities


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