The Holy Book the Bible, old-fashioned, outdated? Is the Bible still valid? Why should a Christian study the Bible? How about the Old Testament? Nowadays, many people have doubts about the content of the Holy Book the Bible. The Holy Book becomes a point of discussion in many homerooms and places. Many people consider the Holy Book as old-fashioned, which cannot be used, anymore in this modern time. Others feel restricted in their freedom (and lawless) by the Holy Book the Bible. Some people do believe in the New Testament, whilst they don't believe in the Old Testament. Others believe in both, the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament. Again other people believe in the Bible as long as the Bible is in agreement with their wishes and desires. Some people use the Holy Book the Bible as the leader in their life in order to get closer to the Lord God and to be united with Him. There are also some anti-Semitic people who attack the Old Testament, because they say, the Old Testament is written by the Jews. Those people say that the Jews have changed the Old Testament for their own interest in order to conquer land at the expense of the other people and nations. For example, an anti-Semitic person has read my article regarding the destruction of the Assyrians and he sent me a E-mail with this content: The Old Testament is nothing but propaganda and lies written by Hebrew "prophets" who hated everyone except their own kind. Jehovah was a pitiful, evil, and brutally cruel alter-ego of the Hebrew "prophets" and he doesn't deserve to be called even a god with a lower-case 'g'. This is of course the spirit of the Satan himself. Those people hate the Holy Book the Bible in such terrible way, that they have no any respect for it. We can think up a lot of more objections, which the people might have against the Holy Book the Bible. The point is, how should we as Christians deal with this contempt which many people have against the Holy Book the Bible? By what means can we refute such contempt? Are there some clues, given in the Bible, which punish strongly those slanderers who attack the Holy Book? A few people have asked me: When over the whole world inside the Christianity the people have other thoughts regarding the content of the Holy Book the Bible, who should we believe? Can oneself understand from the Holy Book the Bible about the validity of the Bible? We can summarise this in three questions:
Answers on questions. Question 1: Is the Holy Book the Bible "just a book" which is written by the humans, or is the Holy Book the Bible inspired by the Lord God? How seriously should we take the Holy Book the Bible? And what about the Old Testament? What is the view of our Lord Jesus Christ regarding the Old Testament?In 2 Peter 1:20-21 we read:,, For no prophetic message even came just from the will of the man, but men were under the control of the Holy Spirit as they spoke the message that came from God (see also Matthew 10:20) The content of the Holy Book the Bible was accomplished because of the Wiliness of the Lord God and not because of the humans! It is true that the Lord uses humans to achieve His goal, but those humans were always under the control of the Holy Spirit to exclude the influence of the humans. This means that those who have wrote the message of the Lord God, they have done this not for their own interest, but they were led by the Spirit of the Lord God. The Lord God had chosen those holy persons, who were suitable, to pass on the message of the Lord. This means that everything, which is told by the prophets and apostles, comes directly from the Lord God Himself. And by this it becomes quite clear that the whole Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament is realised because it was the Lord God's plan and not because the humans wanted! We should also pay attention to the fact that the Old Testament as now we know it was also known in the time of Jesus Christ. And our Lord Jesus Christ has always confirmed the Old Testament (later on more about this). We know that the Apostle Peter, who later became the first patriarch of the Syrian-Orthodox Church, was the chief apostle and thus his enunciation's are very important as we can read in Matthew 16:18-18,, And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build My church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven; what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven" This makes clear that the enunciation's of the Apostle Peter are very weightily. Yes, he got the authority direct from the hands of Jesus Christ. And because of that, the apostle wants to hand over the authority to the true Christians. The apostle wants to express that we should accept the whole Bible, including Old Testament, as the Word of God! The Apostle Paul was a professor of the Old Testament. He knew every word of the Old Testament. He says about the Bible,, All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living (2 Timothy 3:16-17) ..All the scripture.. including the Old Testament. That is the answer of the Professor and the Apostle Paul. So, the anti-Semitic people, including those who hate the Old Testament because the Lord Has destroyed the Assyrians, are brought down by the Apostle Paul. All of their attacks on the Old Testament are nothing, but lies propaganda and slander. As Christians we should use the Bible to unmask the lie, to rebuke the errors and correct faults.Anyway it become quite clear that the Holy Book the Bible is for 100% inspired by the Lord God. This means that the content of the Holy Book the Bible is infallible to a true Christian. A true Christian will accept the Holy Bible as a true Word of God!
More research regarding the Old Testament . From the previous it becomes very clear that the content of the New Testament as well as the content of the Old Testament is inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Lord has used holy people to write the Old Testament and the New Testament. There are however much more places in the New Testament, which testify about the Old Testament. The reason for the fact that I will give more detailed explanation about the Old Testament is that there are some silly and blind people who do "believe" in the New Testament, but do not believe in the Old Testament. In fact, these are the false Christians! Often their argumentation is: The scientists have made archaeological excavations in the middle-east and from that it became clear that many stories in the Old Testament are not true. They say,, that the flood in the time of Noah has never been taken place and that the tower building of Babylon was quite different than the story of the Bible Others say,, the Old Testament is less important than the New Testament". Again others say,, the Old Testament is written by the Jewish people and they have changed the Old Testament for their own benefit etc.. We just have read that the word of God is meant for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults. These lies and heretic theories will be refuted in a brief moment. We should always be prepared for the fact that the Satan is using everything to destroy the work of God. He constantly works to create hesitation in the hearts of the humans about the authority of the Lord God. He always tries to create hostility between the humans and the Lord God by attacking the Holy Book the Bible. He is constantly busy to plant doubts in the hearts of the people regarding the authority of the Lord God. That is precisely the reason why the Apostle Peter says, "Be alert, be on the watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams round like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8) .. someone to devour That is the warning of the Apostle Peter. The Devil is such an intelligent creature, that he can mislead the people "who thinks they are very intelligent" unnoticed! Those who hate the Old Testament because for example, the destruction of the Assyrian is in detail described, such people get more "satanic" intelligent to produce more propaganda, lie and slander. That is exactly the reason that we read in the Bible,, Because those people refuse to keep in mind the true knowledge about God, He has given them over to corrupted minds, so that they do the things that they should not do" (Romans 1:28)
The punishment for those slanderers is that the Lord God has given them to their corrupted minds which is full of hatred, lies, slander, contempt, boastful, insolent and all kind of wickedness. Their hatred and contempt for the Old Testament is so terrible that it can be compared with a roaring lion which torn up his victims. Such people try everything to plant doubts regarding the Old Testament in the hearts of the other people. In this way a lot of young people are mislead by them. Sometimes I get the feeling that those people are so blind and kept in the pitfalls of the Satan, that they act everything unconscious. It seems that they cannot recognise their own terrible behaviour. It is so terrible and reckless that one cannot imagine the way they act towards the Old Testament. I can only say that it is terrible to be misled by the Satan in such an indescribable way! Jesus and His two pupils The prophets, the law of MosesIn Luke 24:27 +44 we read,, And Jesus explained to them what was said about Himself in all the Scriptures, beginning with the books of Moses and writings of all the prophets . Then He said to them, "These are the very things I told you about while I was still with you; everything written about Me in the Law of Moses, the writings of the prophets, and the psalms had to come true" After His resurrection, our Lord met two of His pupil who were on the way to a village. The pupils didn't recognise Jesus, because they never thought He would resurrect. It is something unbelievable and remarkable to them, so our Lord Jesus began to tell them about His birth, His dead and His resurrection referring to the Old Testament. The Old Testament was completed as a Holy Book in the year 200 before Christ. So, Jesus was well known with the Old Testament. Jesus is telling those two pupils about all the Scripture, which means the Old Testament. Our Lord Jesus is giving here testimony regarding the Old Testament. Jesus Christ is considering the Old Testament as self-evident. There can be no any doubt about the validity of the Old Testament. When our Lord Jesus is quoting and proclaiming the Old Testament, how can the Old Testament be wrong? He knew everything about the Old Testament! Suppose that there was something wrong with the Old Testament, then our Lord Jesus Christ would certainly have rejected the Old Testament! No, dear reader No! On the contrary, our Lord Has a very high respect for the authority of the Old Testament. Jesus, age of 12 years, speaking with Rabbi's in the templeIn Luke 2:46-47 we read,, On the third day they found Him in the Temple, sitting with the Jewish teachers, listening to them and asking questions. All who heard Him were amazed at His intelligent answers" The Jewish teachers, in general Rabbi's were in that time well educated people on the field of the Old Testament. When the Jews came to the Temple, after the service, various social matters were then discussed. However, the Rabbi's, the Jewish teachers were in general busy with the matters concerning the Old Testament. And suddenly Jesus comes as 12 years boy and takes the sit in the middle of the Rabbi's. He asked them questions and started a discussion with those extraordinary intelligent Rabbi's. The Rabbi's are quite impressed by the knowledge of Jesus Christ regarding the Old Testament! From this we can learn that our Lord Jesus Christ at the very beginning was well-known with the Old Testament. And if there were some faults in the Old Testament, then our Lord Jesus Christ would certainly have said something about that. On the contrary, our Lord often is quoting the Old Testament. He is quoting the Old Testament (Matthew 24:38-44) to tell something about the flood in the time of Noah, the prophet Daniel to explain the end of the times (Matthew 23:15) and 2 Kings 5:1-19 to explain the recovery of the Aramean general Naaman (Luke 4:27). There are much more places mentioned- too much to mention all of them-, which our Lord Jesus Christ has quoted to express the importance of the Old Testament. In Luke 4:17, our Lord even read in the Temple the Bible Book Isaiah. Dear reader, I think that those foolish, mad, poor and terrible people should wake up and recognise the Old Testament. Because, refusing the Old Testament means refusing Jesus Christ.
In Matthew 8:1-4 we read,, When Jesus came down from the hill, large crowds followed Him. Then a man suffering from a dreaded skin-disease came to Him, knelt down before Him, and said "Sir, if you want to, you can make me clean" Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him. "I do want to", He answered. "Be clean!" At once the man was healed of his disease. Then Jesus said to Him, "Listen! Don't tell anyone, but go straight to the priest and let him examine you; then in order to prove to everyone that you are cured, offer the sacrifice that Moses ordered" . the sacrifice that Moses ordered .. Why? I mean it is the Old Testament! Our Lord is referring in this case to Leviticus 14:1-31. Dear reader, what is the meaning of this to you? What do you think about those anti-Semitic foolish people who say,, The Jews have changed the Old Testament?" Those people are really terrible, don't you think? Smallest detail of the Law In Mathew 5:17-19 we read,, Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true. Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the Law will be done away with - not until the end of all things." Dear reader, this sentence is so clear that our Lord Jesus does not let grow grass under His feet regarding the Old Testament. He says to us: You should not think that I have come to do away the Old Testament, on the contrary, I have come to make the teaching of the Old Testament true. As long as the heaven and the earth exist, in the same way the Old Testament will be valid! This is very clear language! On many occasions our Lord quoted the Old Testament to give testimony about it's legitimacy (see among others John 2:27, 7:38, 7:42, 10:35, 17:12, 19:28, 20:9 etc.. )
By the way, I told something about Apostle Paul and the Old Testament. I will discuss this with you more in detail. In Romans 15:4 the Apostle says,, Everything written in the Scriptures was written to teach us " How about those people who say that the Old Testament is not valid? How about those who say that the "Jewish prophets " have changed the Old Testament? How about those terrible people, who do believe in the New Testament, but do not believe in the Old Testament? How about those silly and foolish people who constantly attack the Old Testament? Thus everything which is written in the Old Testament was written to teach us the true Christians something. Like I told you before, the Apostle Paul was a professor of the Old Testament (Galatians 1:14, Acts 22:1-3). This holy man and the top professor in the Old Testament says to all of us,, Everything written in the Scriptures was written to teach us Dear reader, please pay attention to this! What about those terrible people who say,, The Jews have changed the Bible?" The Apostle Paul and others often quoting the Old Testament as "the Scripture" (Acts 8:32, Galatians 3:8, 3:22, 1 Timothy 5:18) or as "the Scriptures" (Acts 17:2, 17:11, 18:24, 18:28, Romans 15:4, 16:26, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 2 Timothy 3:15) or as "the Holy Scriptures" (Romans 1:2)
Apostle Peter and the Old Testament In Acts 10:43 the Apostle Peter, the first Patriarch of the Syrian Church says,, All the Prophets spoke about Him (= Jesus )...... The Old Testament is written by the prophets. It begins by Moses and ends by Malachi. This means that all of the prophets of the Old Testament, who have written the Old Testament, are speaking about Jesus, all of them have seen Him. This is extraordinary and forms at the same time unshakeable foundation for the Old Testament. All of these prophets knew about Jesus Christ and about His crucifixion, thus they knew about His coming to the world. All of them were filled with His Spirit to speak about Him. In 1 Peter 1:11 we read,, They tried to find out when the time would be and how it would come. This was the time to which Christ's Spirit in them was pointing .. It was the Spirit of Christ who taught the prophets to write the Old Testament! So, all of them were led by our Lord and God Jesus Christ. The roots of the Christianity come originally form the Old Testament. Without the Old Testament means you cannot explain and understand the meaning of the Christianity. The history and the future of the world is written by the prophets in the Old Testament. The Lord God has revealed His plan for this world in the Old Testament. For example, the birth, the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ were revealed in the Old Testament. What is a prophet . Dear reader, I hope from the previous it becomes clear that the Old Testament is extremely important, in fact for a Christian, the Old Testament cannot be separated from the New Testament. The Bible is just the New and the Old Testament together. Only New Testament is not complete! Only New Testament, the plans of the Lord God for this world cannot be understood well! Like we have understood, the Old Testament is written by the Prophets who were taught by the Spirit of the Lord. Now we can ask the question: What is actually a prophet? If we translate this literal, then it means: The mouth of God, thus an ambassador of God And what tells the Lord God about the prophets?..
Conclusion After we have discussed many issues regarding the Old and the New Testament, now the answer on question 1 can be formulated. We can say that the Holy Book the Bible is the Word of God and we can take it very seriously. The Bible is not "just a book" which is written by the humans, no dear reader no, in the Bible is the Lord God revealed. The Bible is the guide for our life. In the Bible you can read how to build up a good and perfect relationship with the Lord God, through which He then will accept you as His child. The Bible informs us about eternal life, about the everlasting, about the life and tenderness, about the Almighty and omniscience of the Lord God. As far as concerning the Old Testament we can say: When our Lord Jesus Christ Himself gives testimony regarding the Old Testament, how can the Old Testament be false??????? Answer on question 2 Question 2: Is the Bible an old-fashioned outdated book or is the Bible still valid? We are now living in the year 2000, why should we still obey the Bible? The Bible is just outdated or not? In other words what is the influence of time on the Bible? In 1 Peter 1:24 we read,, All mankind are like grass, and all their glory is like wild flowers. The grass withers, and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord remains for ever. " (see also Isaiah 40:6-8, Psalms 39:6, 90:3-6, 10, 103:14-15144:3-4,) This quotation is of course not literally meant. It expresses only the Greatness and the Holiness of the Lord in comparison with the humans. The humans are nothing, but a puff of wind. The humans are paltry in comparison with the Lord. The humans depend on the time (velocity, space). As the time elapses, the mankind becomes older. The time has thus influence on the humans. However, the time has no any influence on the Word of God. The word of God is timeless, it depends not on the time (velocity, space), but it is valid for always. In other words, in the way that the time has a great influence on the mankind, in the same way the time has no influence on the Word of God.
The time is the nature phenomenon and the Lord God has Created everything, including the time. Well then, how can the time, the Work of His hands, perform influence on Him? Impossible! The Lord has influence on everything. He is everything and everywhere! What tells our Lord Jesus Christ about the validity of the Holy Book? In Mathew 24:35 He says,, Heaven and the earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away" The heaven (planets, sun, moon etc..) and the earth tell something about the time. They depend on the time. " Pass away" means move on as a function of the time. In other words the Word of God doesn't depend on the time. The Lord is almighty and has the power to overturn the time. This is confirmed in 2 Kings 20:8-11 where we read,, King Hezekiah asked, "What is the sign to prove that the Lord will heal me and that three days later I will be able to go to the Temple?" Isaiah replied, "The Lord will give you a sign to prove that He will keep His promise. Now, would you prefer the shadow on the stairway to go forward ten steps?" Hezekiah answered, " It's easy to make the shadow go forward ten steps! Make it go back ten steps." Isaiah prayed to the Lord, and the Lord made the shadow go back ten steps on the stairway set up by King Ahaz.
The previous illustration is meant only to give an impression. It doesn't mean that it was happened like illustrated. The illustration helps only to get an idea about the situation. Everything is simplified in order to understand it better. The point is of course that the Lord God has overturned the time. At the beginning there was no any stair under the shadow. After the command of the Lord, 10 stairs became under the shadow. This means that the time is overturned, the time is set back. The world is turned in the opposite direction. Thus making the shadow go back ten steps on the stairway means turn back the time. This maybe impossible for us, but for the Lord God everything is possible (Mathew 19:26). There is another place in the Bible about the bringing time to stop. In Joshua 10:12-14 we read,, On the day that the Lord gave the men of Israel victory over the Amorites, Joshua spoke to the Lord. In the presence of the Israelites he said, "Sun, stand still over Gibeon; Moon, stop over Aijalon Valley." The sun stood still and the moon did not move until the nation had conquered its enemies. This is written in The Book of Jashar. The sun stood still in the middle of the sky and did not go down for a whole day. Never before, and never since, has ever been day like it, when the Lord obeyed a human being. The Lord fought on Israel's side" Its enemies threatened the people of Israel. Israel was in war, however the day was too short to win the war. Probably Israel would have lost the war, when the day was continuing just as normal. To avoid that, Joshua goes to the Lord and asked Him to stand the time still in order to give the Israelites people more time to conquer their enemies. The Lord God obeyed the request of Joshua and indeed the time was set still during the fight. If we try to understand this, then we would have a lot of troubles with it! Who is so powerful to stop the time? Who is so powerful to stop the world turning on its axis? Dear reader, I can tell you there is nobody, except the Lord God the Creator of the heaven and the earth who deserves all honour and dignity in the infinity, amen!
The Apostle Paul describes the relationship between the Lord God and the creation as,, But who are you, my friend, to answer God back? A clay pot does not ask the man who made it, "Why did you make me like this?" After all, the man who makes the pots has the right to use the clay as he wishes (Romans 9:20-21) The Lord God has created the heaven (sun, moon stars, planets etc..) and the earth. The Lord God has also established the time at the moment He created the heaven and the earth. Can the heaven and the earth ask the Lord ,"Why did you make us like this?" Does the time influence the Lord, while the Lord is the creator of the time? Has the time any influence onto the Word of God - the Holy Book the Bible- while the Lord has established the time? On the basis of the previous we can say that the Holy Book the Bible is certainly not outdated Book, but is always valid! The time has no any influence on the Holy Book the Bible! As we have seen, the Word of God is valid everywhere and in the every period of time. Answer on question 3 Question 3. Who has the access to the Bible? In other words, who can read the Bible, and who is able to explain the Bible? Some people read the Bible like a newspaper without they have understood a word about it. Others read the Bible with a great respect for the Lord God in order to learn something. Anyway, the Holy Book the Bible is available for everybody. Everybody can buy a Bible and read it! But not everybody can explain the Bible! Those people who obey the Lord God unconditionally with their heart and their mind will understand the content of the Holy Book the Bible; because the Lord explains them through His Spirit the meaning of the Bible. In Psalms 25:12-14 we read,, Those who have reverence for the Lord will learn from Him the path they should follow . The Lord is the Friend of those who obey Him and He affirms his covenant with them" These are the children of the Lord God who read the Bible with a pure heart and the Lord entrusts His secrets to them. These are the people who take the time and pay attention to worship the Lord, they consider the Lord God as most important in their life, they obey the Word of God unconditionally, they respect the authority of the Holy Book the Bible and give attention to that, they constant seeking to intensify their love with the Lord God, they are seeking for peace and love, those people are rewarded with the love and Wisdom of God. Yes dear reader, because their attention is concentrated to the Almighty and the Majesty of the Lord God, they are rewarded very generous by the Lord God (Romans 2:6).
In other words everywhere and always obeying the Lord God and studying His Word is the most important assignment a Christian should do! When you study the Word of God, then you will know how to approach the Lord God. And if you have lovely relationship with the Lord God, then He will bless you in everything. When the Lord blesses you, then the Satan has no any influence on you! You will then exactly know how to lead a life in accordance with the Word of God. In Amos 3:7 we read "The Sovereign Lord never does anything without revealing His plan to His servants, the prophets" Dear reader, this is something amazing, isn't it? The Lord makes His plans known to the people who worship Him unconditionally! Yes for sure, He makes them His plans known for the whole history of this world! This means that those who go to the Lord in a very humbly manner, they will understand the Holy Book the Bible, since the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ will teach them in everything to understand (1John 2:27). Because those people have entrusted themselves for 100% to our Lord Jesus Christ, He teaches them in everything regarding the Holy Book the Bible. This is also the sense of 1John 2:20 where we read,, But you have had the Holy Spirit poured out on you by Christ, and so all of you know the truth" Dear reader, this is a powerful Key of Wisdom to open the Bible with it. Only via Jesus Christ one can understand the Holy Book the Bible, since Jesus Himself taught the Apostles and the Prophets to write the Holy Book the Bible. In connection with this we read in the Bible,, In this way they will know God's secret, which is Christ Himself. He is the Key that opens all the hidden treasures of God's Wisdom and Knowledge. I tell you, then, do not let anyone deceive you with false arguments, no matter how good they seem to be,, (Colossians 2: 3-4) So, our Lord Jesus Christ is the Key of Wisdom by which you can open the Bible! The only way to understand privet problems, problems of the world, problems of the environmental, problems regarding the future of this world etc.. , is obeying unconditionally Jesus Christ, our Lord and Rescuer. That is exactly the very reason that those people will understand the Holy Book the Bible. In Jeremiah 33:3 we read,, Call Me, and I will answer you; I will tell you wonderful and marvellous things that you know nothing about" That is the answer of the Lord God to the Prophet Jeremiah. He just says,, Call Me, and I will answer you. Yes dear reader, that is our Lord God, who is prepared to listen to His children. So, everybody who worships the Lord God unconditionally will get the access to the Secrets of the Lord God by the means of the Key of the Wisdom, our Lord Jesus Christ. They will understand the Holy Book the Bible. Jesus Christ is the Key of Wisdom to understand the future and the history of the mankind! He only can inform you about Gods plans regarding the future of this world. The Apostle Peter says about the message of the prophets,, So we are even more confident of the message proclaimed by the prophets. You will do well to pay attention to it, because it is like a lamp shinning in a dark place until the Day dawns and the light of the morning star shines in your hearts (2 Peter 1:19). The first Patriarch of the Syrian Church is even more confident of the message proclaimed by the prophets. The Apostle was the chief apostle and one of the most important apostles of the Lord. But why is he emphasising the importance of the Old Testament? He says to all of us . You will do well to pay attention to the Old Testament.. We can now ask the question: Why is it so important to give attention to the Old Testament? Why should a Christian study the Old Testament? The answer of the Apostle is.. because it is like a lamp shinning in a dark place.
The Lord God has revealed the future of this world to His servants the prophets. This means that the end of this world is revealed in the Holy Book the Bible. That is the reason the Apostle says . pay attention to it order not to be captured in the pitfalls of the Satan. Because the Word of God Is Truth, Is light, Is the life. Additionally the Lord God informs also His children about the end of the events as we can read in Isaiah 46:10,, From the beginning I predicted the outcome; long ago I foretold what would happen. I said that My plans would never fail, that I would do everything I intended to do" This is really remarkable to me! Because the Lord God informs His children about His plans and at the same time He also informs them about the outcome of the plans. The outcome of His plans is beyond all doubt! The Lord ensures us that there is nobody who can frustrate His plans and expresses that by saying . My plans would never fail So dear reader, everything the Lord has revealed in the Old Testament and the New Testament will be happen without that somebody can stop that! All of the decisions, the secrets and the plans of the Lord God regarding the future of this world are revealed in the Old Testament. The Apostle Peter is encouraging all of us to study the Old Testament as a guide to understand the situation of this world. All of the true Christians have the access to these secrets/ decisions of the Lord God. End conclusionFrom the previous explanation we can make the next few conclusions:
And then this .. We read in the Old Testament,, God Himself will fight against the Assyrians. Long ago a place was prepared where a huge fire will burn the emperor of Assyria. It is deep and wide, and piled high with wood. The Lord will breath out a stream of flame to set it on fire"(Isaiah 30: 33).. . Assyria will be destroyed in war, but not by human power (!!!!! So by the power of the Lord)" (Isaiah 31:8, 750 before Christ ) Unfortunately, nowadays there are still some people who live in the past history believing in fantastic stories regarding the existence of the Assyrians. Why don't they admit the power of the Lord in stead of telling lies and slandering about the Old Testament? Our Lord and God Jesus Christ has destroyed the Assyrians, why don't those terrible people go to the Lord and ask Him about that? I can ensure you He will answer them! In stead of talking about Assyria, Assyria and again Assyrian, why not studying the Holy Book the Bible? Why not worshipping the Lord God in stead of slandering Him? Why not trying to seek for the truth in stead of telling lies about the prophets of the Old Testament? Why not making their hearts open for our Lord Jesus Christ in order to clean them internal? Why not paying repent for their terrible slandering regarding the prophets of the Old Testament? Why not asking Jesus Christ to make their eyes open? Dear reader, the answer on all of these questions is given in Romans 1:21 where we read:,, They know God, but they do not give Him the honour that belongs to Him, nor do they thank Him. Instead, their thought become complete nonsense, and their empty mind are filled with darkness".